Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Give A Hoot

There is nothing I hate more than trash that people throw around a trash can. See I work at Starbucks and when the trash can at the drive-thru is full, people just throw it next to it. I don't understand this. Are they really too lazy to hold onto it until the find another trash can? I mean I know these things are as scarce as five-leaf clovers but come on people. I mean if your gonna throw it on the ground you might as just well drop it in the middle of the sidewalk. On another note, I hate when people don't recycle when there is a recycling can right next to a garbage can. Like are these people really against recycling and trying to make a statement?

Diapers and Love Triangles

So I'm sure you've all heard about the astronaut who wore the diaper so she could go and kill someone trying to steal her lover. First of all she deserves an A+ for effort. I thought wearing a diaper was only useful so you could play WoW night and not let your guild down. Turns out there is other reasons to defecate on yourself. Anyway looks like someone bought the rights to turn in into a movie. Now talk about the shit hitting the fan(s).

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Serpent's Teeth and People who Ruin Ruins

So I was just in Chichen Itza this past week and you know what I can't stand people who steal serpent's teeth. I don't mean this in a literal sense but as more of hyperbole or metaphor or whatever. What I really mean is people who desecrate historical sites/things of beauty and awe in this world. Because of these idiots, everything in the world will be surrounded by a gate and untouchable. You thought it was bad enough that you can't get any closer to me a.k.a. god/insert your savior here's gift to earth. But seriously why does one rotten apple gotta go ruin it for the whole orchard? And seriously it's not like anyone is going to be able to tell it's a bloody serpent's tooth, there is is some stones in my backyard I could pass off as a pretty nice set of canines.

Anna Nicole Smith

Okay, first of all, if I have to hear once more about Anna Nicole Smith, I'll move to a cabin in the woods without any type of modern communications including the telegraph. Anyways, let me start by saying that I do feel that Anna Nicole's life and death were quite tragic. Maybe not as tragic as the results I got from using TrimSpa but still quite tragic. I feel though that she is truly an inspiration. I mean if enough plastic surgery can make you hot and then famous, then there is still hope for me to become a shrimp de-pooper and for you to become a fireman/princess/actor/lottery winner. I guess the moral of the story is even if you can't buy love you can always buy plastic surgery.

Why Me, Why Now?

So Why Did I Decide to Start a Blog? Yes, I know there are more tools in the blogosphere than at home depot. Yes, I fully understand that creating a blog is an egotistic act. I mean you're expecting people to think your rants are worth reading. But why should common-sense stop me now, it never did before. Please take a seat and Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to many of the photos posted on this site, which means I probably got them off a google search. If you'd like to have an image removed please contact me.